Cash Call Application Services
For Oil and Gas companies in joint venture projects: Based on large volume of Operations, Geographical spread, Expertise requirement and Investments, it is a strategic initiative in Oil and Gas projects, that many of the international and national Oil & Gas companies collaborate to establish and operate in a Joint Ventures (JV) model. The very intention of such a JV Model is to reduce the Go To market period, perform operations in an economically viable manner. and do put in place a comprehensive and appropriate Risk Mitigation plan, which will cover the various stages of the Research, Mining, Extraction, Processing and Refining life cycle of Oil Fields.
Caritor, by naturally gaining the expertise and deeper insights in the course of large Business Transformation projects into the operational requirements of large Business Enterprises operating in Oil and Gas, and where such Enterprises are participants to Joint Ventures, recommends its Cash Call Application Services to the needy and deserving large Oil and Gas companies in comprehensively handling Cash Calls within the JV setup.
Maintainability and Trade Offs
With the picture of investment of Billions of dollars in JV projects, invested up-stream. The modus operand of a Joint Operating Agreements (JOA) and its Terms and Conditions, imposes, a stake driven obligation on the participating legal entities, to contribute investments towards the shared operations and other responsibilities needs to operationalized. Accordingly, some of the key operational elements form the core of Caritor Cash Call Application Services;
Generating Accurate Cash Calls
Tracking all Expenses
Generating Budget
Tracking all Invoices and Payments against them
Enabling inter-department flow of information
Maintainability and Trade Offs
The JV agreement requires the contributions from the participants upon a Cash Call by the Chief Operator or the Investing entity. Further to it, there are the Oil and Gas industry standard operating rules applicable to the above JVs, which have to be complied in various circumstances, during the entire period of Operations. In order to facilitate the same the Product Extension offers
Ease of installation and Administration
Ability to export and import data from existing systems like Primavera and LDAP
Storage of scanned files to be balanced against infrastructure availability
Choice of technology platform to keep
Encompassing the complete cycle of the JV projects, the Cash Call Application Services provide you the following valued modules;
Requirements Planning
Verification Approvals
Suppliers Management
Cash Call and budgeting
Invoice Entry, Verification, and Approvals
Payment Confirmation
Stakeholder Approvals
Reports for All Stakeholders